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COMPUTATION OF FEE : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i) Turnover of Society : Rs. 3,86,97,721/- ii) Audit Fee based on above Turnover @ Rs. 4.00 per 1000 on 1st 5 Lacs 2,000.00 @ Rs. 3.00 per 1000 on next 10 Lacs 3,000.00 @ Rs. 2.00 per 1000 on next 15 Lacs 3,000.00 @ Rs. 1.00 per 1000 on next 20 Lacs 2,000.00 @ Rs. 0.50 per 1000 on next 3,36,97,721/- 16,849.00 -------------------- TOTAL FEES : 26,849.00 Add: Increase @ 20 % : 5,370.00 SERVICE TAX @ 12% : 3,866.00 EDUCATION CESS @ 2% : 77.00 HIGHER EDUCATION CESS @ 1% : 39.00 -------------------- GROSS TOTAL 36,201.00 -------------------- (Rupees Thirty Six Thousand Two Hundred One only) FOR KAPOOR JAIN & ASSOCIATES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ASHOK KUMAR PLACE : DELHI PARTNER DATED: July 25th,2013 BRIEF SUMMARY OF ISPAT EMPLOYEES COOPERATIVE THRIFT & CREDIT SOCIETY LTD FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 AUDIT PERIOD : 2012-2013 DISTRICT : SOUTH 1. Name of the Society : ISPAT EMPLOYEES COOPERATIVE THRIFT & CREDIT SOCIETY LIMITED 2. Latest Correspondence : Ispat Bhawan, Lodhi Road, address New Delhi 110 003 New Delhi. 3. Regn. No. & Date of Regn. : 628 (U) DT. 11.06.1982 4. Category : THRIFT & CREDIT SOCIETY 5. Deposits : Rs. 2,07,49,145/- 6. Paid up Capital : Rs. 96,37,000/- 7. Details of Bank A/c. : 1. S.B. A/c. No. 10113005826, State Bank of India, Lodi Road, New Delhi 8. Details of Financial Assistance claimed/MDA : NIL 9. Details of Loan from DCHFS/D.S. coop. bank : NIL 10. Area of Operation : Delhi 11. Date of Last election held : March 16th, 2012 12. Pending enquiries (u/s 55/59) : NIL 13. No. of pending Arbitration cases/suits : NIL 14. Audit Fee claimed : Rs. 36,201/- 15. Any irregularity of misappropriation mismanagement/Fraud : NIL 16. Names of Managing committee members during audit period : As per list enclosed Previous Audit Present Audit Audit Period 01.04.2011 to 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2012 31.03.2013 No. of Members 532 520 No. of resigned / expelled members 27 28 No. of new enrolled members 2 16 Name of the C.A KAPOOR JAIN KAPOOR JAIN & ASSOCIATES & ASSOCIATES Audit Classification Sanctioned MCL 2,00,000 2,00,000 Sanctioned CCL NIL NIL Turnover of Society 3,46,20,536/00 3,73,11,505/08 Working Capital 3,71,19,427/40 3,86,97,720.94 Net Profit 21,22,305/93 2,03,277/54 Education Fund Due 42,446/00 44,119/00 Education Fund Paid on 05/11/2012 /08/2013 Report of Previous year Dy. No. 1761 Collected on 21/02/2013 (PRESIDENT) (SECRETARY) (TREASURER) (AUDITOR)  AUDITORS REPORT TO THE MEMBERS ISPAT EMPLOYEES COOPERATIVE THRIFT & CREDIT SOCIETY LTD 1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of the ISPAT EMPLOYEES COOPERATIVE THRIFT & CREDIT SOCIETY LTD., as at 31st March 2013 the Income & Expenditure Account and Receipt & Payments Account for the year ended as on that date annexed there to. These financial statements are the responsibility of the society management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free form any material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 4. Subject to Notes in part A, B and C, we report that:- We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit. In our opinion proper books of account as required under the Delhi Cooperative Societies Act and the Rules and Bye-Laws framed there under have been maintained so far as appears from our examination of the books of accounts. The Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Account and Receipt & Payment Account referred to in this report are in agreement with the books of accounts and returns. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanation given to us, the said accounts read together with notes on accounts and accounting policies, give a true & fair view : In the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Society as on 31st March, 2013 and In the case of the Income & Expenditure Account of the Surplus for the year ended on that date. In the case of the Receipt and Payment Account of the Receipts & Payments for the year ended on that date. FOR KAPOOR JAIN & ASSOCIATES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FRN-015689N ASHOK KUMAR PLACE : DELHI PARTNER DATED: July 26th, 2013 M. NO. 86549 PART A OBJECTIONS AS PER LAST YEAR AUDIT REPORTS :  ACTION TAKEN DURING THE YEAR Regularisation of accounts of members not depositing their C.D. and loan installments regularly. Some of the accounts has been regularized/closed and other accounts are being followed up for regularization. A number of loans are outstanding in which no recovery has been made during the year. All accounts except one account have been recovered and efforts are being made to regularize the remaining one account. PART B (a) Is the society functioning from its Regd. Office and the members are being allowed to inspect documents of the society, including audit report as pr provisions of the Rule 84(8) of the Delhi State Cooperative Rules, 1973.  Yes  Whether the society periodically reconciles its accounts with the accounts of the members/outside parties including Banks at the close of the Cooperative year with General Cash Book entries.  Yes (c) Whether the society has raised funds, so as to confirm to the provisions of the Rule 69 (i) of Societies Rules, 1973 and borrowing to the borrowings power as approved by the Registrar from time to time.  No (d) What is debt equity ratio of the society and how the society proposes to discharge its debt liability.  2.04:1 What has been the lending policy of the society and whether the society is extending loan to its members within their borrowing limits. In case the society is granting loans to other parties, what is the general loaning policy and how far the interest of the society have been safeguarded while extending or intangible securities. When initiate legal action to recover demand. Ten times of paid up Share money or Rs. 2,00,000/- whichever is less. Society is lending money to its members within their borrowing limit Whether the Managing Committee has implemented/carried out the decisions of the General Body in letter and spirit keeping in view the best interest of the members, constitutions the society in recognitions of the cooperative principles. YesNo. of unresolved disputes, position of society as also the steps taken to resolve the disputes at various forms. No such unresolved disputes Details of claims, if any, against the members and outside parties, not being persued properly and proceedings not launched within the period of limitations. No such case on recordIn respect of Group Housing societies, whether the management committee or any sub-committee is exercising the financial, material, management and control to keep the project cost as low as possible. What is the allotment policy of society with particular reference to categorisation/sub-categorisation of members both for the purpose of getting building plans approved as also handing over the possession of the plot/flats. N.A. Has the society been holding meetings of various committee including General Body and proper proceedings are being maintained in Minutes Proceedings Register. The Society has been holding Board meeting and proper records of proceedings are being maintained in minutes register.List of members with their Ledger Balances at the close of the Cooperative year. A separate list of changes on account of resignation and expulsion and whether rules and instructions in this behalf have been properly complied with. As per list enclosed. Without prejudice to the generality of provisions contained in Delhi State Cooperative Societies Act 1972 and the Rules framed thereunder. The auditor shall state if any of the office bearers suffers from disqualifications contained in Section 31 read with rules 59 & 60 There is no office bearers who suffers from disqualification contained in Sec. 31 read with rules 59 & 60 Whether the Society is incurring expenditure in accordance with the approved budget. If not, indicate the lapses. No budget is made by SocietyWhether the cooperative society is periodically reviewing the fixed and non-fixed assets as also the cash credit limits visa-vis loans extended on the basis of goods hypothecated to the cooperative society. The Society is not having any Fixed Assets.In respect of Thrift & Credit Societies including coop. Banks and stores, whether the respective cooperative society is reviewing the cash credit limits and restricting its future loaning/credit to good parties only. Yes, Annually.A certificate shall be obtained from the custodian of records, documents and cash certifying the possession thereof. Certificate attachedThe detail of various Bank A/cs being maintained by the Society as also the securities and investments of the society along with the addresses and account number of the banks. As per details attached.PART C The following members have not deposited the amounts of Compulsory Deposits during the year. Sr. No. P.A. NO. NAME OF MEMBER 1. 11226 PURSHOTTAM SHARMA 2 12788 J.P AGGARWAL 3 12834 DEEPAK DHAWAN 4 13341 M.P.KANOJIA 5 15365 RAM SINGH 6 15376 MOHD,ABUZER 7 15758 S. JINDAL 8 16221 TULENDER SINGH 9 16445 ARTI PRASAD 10 16502 V HARIHARAN 11 17626 K.K.L.DAS 12 17895 SONITA KATARIA 13 18111 IPS KAKKAR 14 18694 S S VEER BHADURA 15 18739 N.R.SINHA 16 19189 R.CHAKRABORTY 17 19358 R.R. MALHOTRA 18 19482 AVINASH KUMAR TIWARI 19 19505 TEJ NARAIN SINGH 20 20327 Y.SAHAI 21 21520 DEEPALI 22 22206 KIRTI TIRPATHY 23 22341 PROMILA RAWAT 24 22442 B.M.NARESH 25 23702 S S JAGGI 26 23780 S K GHOSH 27 23791 O P SHARMA 28 23937 SONIA GAUBA 29 23960 V.K. AGNIHOTRI 30 24095 BIMAL KACHROO 31 24185 VITHI SINGH 32 24501 R ILLAYAS MOHD. 33 24512 MANJUSRI GANGULY 34 25018 H.R.LAL 35 25029 NADEEM MOHD. 36 25861 PANKAJ DIDEE 37 26042 MUKUND TRIVEEDY 38 27638 ANAND PRAKASH The above members should be asked to regularize their accounts at the earliest. The following members are not paying their loan installments and interest: Sr. Name P.No. AMOUNT Remarks S.S. Jaggi 23702 12,258-00 No recovery since Aug. 2007. Charan Dass 12890 94,000-00 No recovery since July 2012. Ram Nath 12003 1,06,000-00 No recovery since July 2012. S.K. Tripathy 24994 2,00,000-00 No recovery since Jan. 2013. These accounts should be regularized/receovered at the earliest. The following members have been paid excess amount at the time of their final settlement which are to be recovered from them: Sr. Name P.No. Amount A. K. Singh 15394 10,000-00 B. R. Saini 11619 2,754-00 A.K. Shahi 20305 5,000-00 Deepak Singh 15567 1,872-00 PNM Nair 22385 10,000-00 S.K. GUPTA 28055 2,100-00 FOR KAPOOR JAIN & ASSOCIATES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FRN-015689N ASHOK KUMAR PLACE : DELHI PARTNER DATED: July 25th, 2013 M. NO. 86549 +,-<=! 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